Chris "fool" McCraw's SupportFolio

I like to help. Here, I demonstrate how I like to help, and some of the results it can bring.

Helping organizations grow sustainable and effective Support organizations

Got a problem? Helping customers is my "why", but providing good customer service goes far deeper than just answering customer questions.

Starting and scaling a Support team in a growing company on a budget is a challenge, but we can build a good roadmap for it! I love helping companies start on and build that path. I am available to present and consult for companies of any size and any resource level.

Check out some points this work will touch on, as well as examples of writings and presentations on related topics.

Presentations and related writings

I like to speak on the topic of Support at conferences. I also occasionally write technical documentation and blog posts for my company. I've catalogued some of this work here.

I believe strongly in mentorship as a teaching tool. It can be challenging to apply equitably and usefully. This workflow I created was adopted by the rest of my team and I've used similar workflows at 3 companies now! I wrote up some best practices around peer reviews in this article: The art of constructive peer reviews.

I've developed or led many initiatives to improve team and company workflows, and wrote up details. Here are some examples:

Some demonstrations of my customer-facing work and customer reactions

In my customers' words

Sometimes people bother to fill out those "was this support interaction useful?" surveys after a support contact/case is completed; here are a few choice excerpts.

In my own words

Some of my better responses to customer questions, in context, from a community forum I helped out in while working at New Relic, and again in my current role at Netlify.

And Then...

While I haven't written any public posts on these topics, I believe they are key to an effictive, holistic Support experience:

Like what you've read? I am available for consulting and presentation, please get in touch if you are interested: